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Parameterization software for reliable speed monitoring

Simple and convenient
  • Menu-guided
  • Simple installation
  • Simple parameterization
  • Diagnostic and monitoring functions
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OS Software

The user software OS is intended for the configuration, programming and commissioning of the security modules of the Safety-M compact family. The parameters-based software for operation, diagnosis, service, simulation, tests and release measuring of Kübler equipment as well as certified safety equipment of the Safety-M compact series permits the computer-based operation of equipment using existing hardware.

ZIP file
The ZIP file allows for the installation on a computer with Microsoft® Windows as an operating system and also contains the data sheets and operating instructions of the connectable safety equipment.
This description describes the operating elements of the OS user software in detail. (DE/EN)

Standard + SafeConfig OS10


Safety-M compact SafeConfig OS10

  • Microsoft® operating system: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
  • 32 bit o4 64 bit systems
  • min. 200 MB free hard disk memory
  • min. 256 MB main memory
  • Pointer input device (recommended)
  • USB interface

Compatible modules

All compatible equipment types are detected immediately by the started OS software after being connected and are shown with the matching working environment and the available windows and components.
A safe SinCos measuring system

SMC1.1 is a compact security module in the Safety-M family with integrated drive monitoring for one axis with a safe encoder system. This standalone speed monitor (base module) does not require an additional safe PLC. Safety-M compact is perfect for integration into existing safety circuits or for upgrading old machines. Solutions with a safe encoder (SinCos) are supported for safe speed detection.

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Two SinCos, incremental measuring systems, sensors

SMC2.2 is a compact security module in the Safety-M family with integrated drive monitoring for one axis with two (different) encoder systems. This standalone speed monitor (base module) does not require an additional safe PLC. Safety-M compact is perfect for integration into existing safety circuits or for upgrading old machines. Solutions with two sensors (HTL/proximity switch, RS422, SinCos) are supported for reliable speed detection.

To the product

A safe incremental measuring system, sensor

SMC1.3 is a compact security module in the Safety-M family with integrated drive monitoring for one axis with a safe encoder system. This standalone speed monitor (base module) does not require an additional safe PLC. Safety-M compact is perfect for integration into existing safety circuits or for upgrading old machines. Solutions with a safe sensor (HTL differential, HTL single ended/proximity switch, RS422) are supported for reliable speed detection.

To the product

Two incremental measuring systems, sensors

SMC2.4 is a compact security module in the Safety-M family with integrated drive monitoring for one axis with two (different) encoder systems. This standalone speed monitor (base module) does not require an additional safe PLC. Safety-M compact is perfect for integration into existing safety circuits or for upgrading old machines. Solutions with a two sensors (HTL differential, HTL single ended/proximity switch, RS422) are supported for reliable speed detection.

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